Follow Segment's HTTP Tracking API to leverage the /pixel API endpoint, Add an image tag to your email newsletter with src pointing to a Pixel API route:.
By default, the pixel will track URLs visited, domains visited, and the devices your will download a library of functions which you can then use for conversion The Image Tracker code doesn't use Javascript so Matomo will not be able to track Click here to download the file PiwikTracker.php (You may need to right click alt="" />'; // Example 2: Triggers a Goal conversion for Website id = {$IDSITE}
8 Jul 2016 Tracking pixels are the most effective way to track your site conversions. that the pixel image has been downloaded by 15,000 unique IP addresses. However, the confirmation of that conversion is a page on the site of the
21 Mar 2018 But if you want to improve your conversion rate, your customer engagement, Use pixels to measure the dimensions of your images. can load the rest of the content in place while it waits for the image to finish downloading. 8 Jan 2020 Out of the box, Google Analytics doesn't support file downloads tracking automatically. That's because files can't request a tracking pixel, which 23 Mar 2019 HTML provides a crossorigin attribute for images that, in combination with an The code that handles the newly-downloaded image is found in the The canvas method toDataURL() is used to convert the image into a data:// URL The Document Title element ·